Question: Councillor D. Smith “To ask the Chief Executive to examine the sequencing of lights at the Pavillons roundabout, with a view to alleviating traffic build up on the Drynam road, up to the roundabout, as there is a build-up of traffic at peak times in particular?”
Reply: The Malahide Road roundabout on the R132 Swords Road near the Pavilions is a 5-arm roundabout and is at saturation capacity during the morning and afternoon peak time. The traffic signals at this roundabout have been configured to allow priority to traffic on the Swords Road. As with many 5-arm roundabouts not all arms are signalised in order to reduce delays. The volume of traffic exiting at Drynam is far less than at the other arms and this exit is un-signalised. Cars exit during gaps in the traffic. Due to the volume of traffic it is not possible to improve the flow out of the Drynam exit without major alterations to the geometry of this junction.