Question: Councillor D. Smith: To ask the Chief Executive if there is a traffic management plan for the junction of the Townparks Distributor Road and Dublin Road in Skerries, to combat the dangerous junction which exists for pedestrians and vehicles?”
Reply: Consultation will be undertaken with An Garda Síochána, in relation to the placement of a yellow box at the junction of the Townparks Distributor Road and Dublin Road Skerries. If there are no objections to the Yellow Box the placement of the Yellow box will be included in the 2016 signing and lining programme, subject to funding. The signalisation of the Dublin Road/distributor road junction was approved by the Council some years ago as part of a traffic and accessibility improvement scheme at this location. This element of the scheme did not proceed due mainly to objections from residents living at the junction in question. At present there is no budget to complete junction upgrade works at this location.