Question: Councillor D. Smith:. “To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the taking in charge of the Thornleigh Estate?”
Reply: Waterman Moylan Engineering Consultants has been employed by the bondholder to act on its behalf to bring Thornleigh estate to taking in charge standard. Waterman Moylan Engineering Consultants confirmed that they would draw up a list of all sub-surface and surface remedial works to be carried out. In December 2015, Fingal County Council Water Services Department carried out a leakage sweep and found no leakages. In January 2016 Fingal County Council prepared a report on the public lighting. This was passed on to the consultants. Further site meetings took place with Waterman Moylan Engineering Consultants in February and March 2016 to identify any outstanding issues with the foul and storm water chambers. During the month of May, Fingal County Council has reviewed all the CCTV and the remedial list of works have been sent to the Consultant. The Consultants are currently compiling all the outstandng items into a report with cost estimates for the Bondholder.