Question: Councillor D. Smith . “To ask the Chief Executive to provide an update on the Swords Area Drainage Plan?”
Reply: There has been a delay in the progress of this project due to the fact that the Swords – Malahide Drainage Area Plan contract is being used to launch the Irish Water Sewer Network Surveys and Associated Services Framework. It is expected that Survey Contractors will be confirmed and commissioned by the start of Q2 2017 with all surveys being completed in Q3 2017. The DAP Process includes the following 4 stages –
• Stage 1: Scoping and Data Collection
• Stage 2: Surveying and Hydraulic Model Build and Verification
• Stage 3: Risk Assessment
• Stage 4: Strategy, Optioneering and Future Solutions Design Completion dates of stages 2, 3 & 4 will follow on from actual date Irish Water launch the Irish Water Sewer Network Surveys and Associated Services Framework.