Motion: Councillor D. Smith “That the Council erect “Respect Local Residents” signs from Seatown West through Swords Main Street to Pinnock Hill Roundabout and off streets including Seatown Road, Bridge St, Malahide Road and Forrest Road to remind people leaving establishments late at night that any excessive noise and activity can adversely affect local residents who live on these streets.”
Report: The retail and leisure profile of Swords Town has altered over recent years and the recent Purple Flag award is recognition of the variety and standards of quality leisure and entertainment offerings available to residents and visitors to the town. It is an unfortunate consequence that with the development of a night-time economy in the town residents in the main streets in Swords may on occasion experience interruptions to a level of night-time quiet which may have been commonplace prior to late-night establishments operating. Where there is an unacceptable level of anti-social noise and behaviour emanating from any particular establishment, this is a matter for An Garda Siochana to address, possibly through the licencing process. The Operations Department will liaise with local Gardai in relation to proposals for “Respect the Residents” signage, and if there is proven effectiveness of such signage, in conjunction with the Gardai and Swords Tidy Towns we will pilot some signs in affected areas.