Motion: Councillor D. Smith
“That the Chief Executive fixes the potholes, re-establish the lining and edges on
Estuary Road from the Roundabout and turn at the Blackbridges, past the Gartan
Estate to the roundabout with the Industrial Estate road.”
“The section of Estuary Road from the Junction of Spitalhill Road to Seatown
Road is prone to drainage issues coming from nearby properties which have led
to some of the structural failures referred to, particularly at the road edges. The
drainage issue is currently being addressed through Water Services and Irish
Water and will have to be completed in advance of structural repairs being
carried out to this section of road way. However, any of the other localised
structural repairs will be addressed in Q2/Q3 2018. It is anticipated that the
lining will be renewed within the next few weeks, weather permitting.