Question: Councillor D. Smith:
“To ask the Chief Executive if there was a specific planning requirement from
Fingal County Council to place four benches at the Copse, Miller’s Glen and can
the Chief Executive indicate any knowledge of what decision making went into
placing those benches at that location?”
Permission was originally granted under F11A/0436 for 245 housing units on
these lands in Oldtown, Swords. The subject area was subsequently modified
under F14A/0486 with the omission of 32 houses and their replacement with 35
units. Seating areas were indicated on the submitted plans to be provided on
the open space areas of the Copse – Drawing Number LP-01-PP prepared by
Doyle + O’Troitigh. Condition 9 of the Grant of Permission states:
The proposed landscaping of the site shall be carried out in accordance with the
submitted landscaping plan and planting details prepared by Doyle & O’Troithigh,
Landscape and Architecture. The applicant shall consult the Parks and Green
Infrastructure Division of Fingal County Council prior to the commencement of this
site landscaping.
REASON: In the interest of adequate amenity provision and in the interest of tree/
vegetation protection.