Motion: Councillor D. Smith “That this Committee agrees to set up, a working group, to examine measures to tackle involuntary parking of cars, outside primary schools, in the Swords area during opening and closing times, with a view to compiling a list of areas of concern and finding solutions to this ongoing problem?”
Report: In general, parking of vehicles near schools has become a matter of increasing concern in recent years. The situation is most acute during morning drop-off and afternoon collection periods when parents / guardians often park their vehicles in locations or in a manner which puts the safety of others, particularly schoolchildren, at risk. At present, The Council is in the process of establishing a Working Group to coordinate multi-agency road safety policy and to publish a Road Safety Action Plan for implementation at a local level. In this regard, the Council would welcome input from an interested school principal / teacher and a parent representative. An invitation has already been extended to the Elected Members to have one Member from each Area Committee on the Working Group. It is also intended to have a member of An Garda Siochana on the Working Group.