Motion: Councillor D. Smith
“That this Committee agrees to provide parking bays at the Swords end of the
Swords to Malahide Estuary Road, in order to allow, among other things, people
involved in birdwatching and birdwatch studies to take part in studies during
winter months.”
Malahide Estuary is a Special Protection Area (SPA), designated under Directive
2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds (Birds Directive).
The environmental implications of any development likely to have an impact on
any SAC have to be assessed irrespective of the location of the development. In
some cases this may require a full Environmental Assessment.
Prior to consideration being given to the provision of parking bays at the Swords
end of the Malahide Estuary an Environmental Assessment, including
consultation with the National Parks & Wildlife Services (NPWS), to determine if
there are any effects on the SAC would be required.
The provision of parking bays at this location is not considered a priority.