Question: Councillor D. Smith:. “To ask the Chief Executive to clarify the current situation regarding water and water waste capacity in Loughshinny as it relates to new planning permissions?”
Reply: Loughshinny is considered to have an adequate water supply and there is no issue with water supply for proposed new developments. However, there is a major constraint in relation to the foul drainage network. The Loughshinny area is served by a large Septic Tank which is at capacity and cannot accept any additional effluent. The only new developments that can be progressed at present are those with the potential to have individual On Site Wastewater Treatments systems pending the Loughshinny Foul Drainage Scheme. This scheme will replace the existing system and provide a pumped solution linking Loughshinny to the Skerries Foul Drainage Network. This scheme is a matter for Irish Water and the current expected completion date for the scheme is the end of 2018.