Question: Councillor D. Smith
“To ask the Chief Executive if any communication has taken place with Gardai in
relation to the provision of double yellow lines in Lioscian in recent months and
if not, can a meeting be convened as soon as possible?”
In general double yellow lines are not placed in housing estates as they are
difficult to enforce.
Under Section 36 (2) of the Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations, An
Garda Síochána have powers of enforcement which do not require the
installation of statutory signage or road markings. The following regulations
apply in a general context and do not require the installation of statutory signage
or road markings.
Section 36 (2) of the Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations:-
A vehicle shall not be parked –
(c) within 5 metres of a road junction;
(g) in any place, position or manner that will result in the vehicle obstructing
an entrance or an exit for vehicles to or from a premises, save with the
consent of the occupier of such premises,
(k) in a manner in which it will interfere with the normal flow of traffic or
which obstructs or endangers other traffic;
(i) on a footway, a grass margin or a median strip