Question: Councillor D. Smith: “To ask the Chief Executive for an update on the works for the new Central Mental Hospital in Portrane and how long these works are expected to take?”
Reply: Permission was granted by ABP for the Proposed 170 Bed NFMHS Hospital on lands at St. Ita’s Hospital, Portrane [Order No.06F.PA0037] in May 2015. This permission was subject to 14 conditions. A total of 9 no. conditions of the permission [conditions 3,4,5,6,7,8,10, 12 and 13] required the HSE to formally lodge compliance submissions to be agreed in writing with FCC prior to the commencement of development.
The compliance submissions in respect of these conditions were submitted to and agreed with FCC prior to the commencement of development. Construction work in respect of site clearance and provision of a Haul Road to the south of the Portrane Waste Water Treatment Plant was undertaken following formal acceptance by FCC of the above compliance submissions, however, no construction work has commenced in respect of the main hospital contract due to reasons relating to changes proposed by the HSE to alter elements of the parent permission as outlined hereunder. • Under Section Section 146B of the P.&D. Acts 2000-2015 (ABP Reference Number 06F.PM0006) ABP decided on 9 November 2015 Agenda Item 12 Page 37 NOT FOR PUBLICATION to alter the decision to the terms of the permitted development to include a new condition in respect of construction hours on site. • Under Section146B (ABP Reference Number 06F .PM0009, the HSE has made a further request dated 10th June 2016 to ABP to alter the terms of the development of the proposed NFMHSH on lands at St. Ita’s Hospital Portrane.
ABP has determined that that the proposed alteration would constitute a material alteration to the terms of the development. This most recent alteration sought is described as follows: 1. Reduce the depth of excavation across the main campus area west of the Reception Building by one metre, with a consequent upward adjustment by the same amount of the finished floor and roof levels of (a) the Village Centre, (b) the Medium Secure Unit, (c) the High Secure Unit, (d) the MHID Unit, (e) the Female Unit and (f) the Pre-discharge Unit and the associated ground levels; 2. Undertake re-contouring and infilling with soil of the permitted horticultural area, south of the previously permitted berm, to a maximum level as shown on the drawings with this application, to marry in with the revised levels of the campus; 3. Utilise soil on Compartment 20 East, by spreading to a depth not exceeding 300mm settled depth, in order to improve its suitability for development of a natural grassland habitat on previously intensively farmed arable lands. A response in respect of this most recent Section146 B alteration request was made by Fingal County Council to ABP on 24 august 2016. A final determination by ABP on this alteration has yet to be made.