Motion: Councillor D. Smith: Bobs Castle. “That a plan is put place to promote Bob’s Castle/Stella’s Tower in Portrane as a tourist destination in 2017 in light of the 350th anniversary of the birth of Jonathon Swift.”
REPORT: The land surrounding Bob’s Castle/Stella’s Tower is currently in the ownership of Fingal County Council. Objective Portrane 8 of the Draft Development Plan seeks to protect and enhance the setting of Stella’s Tower/Bob’s Castle in the first instance and then to examine the feasibility of developing it as a local community, tourism and cultural heritage amenity. The implementation of Objective Portrane 8 must await the adoption of the Fingal Development Plan 2017-2023 in March 2017. There are also issues with regard to the structural integrity of the building. In the absence of secure access, a complete feasibility study and taking into account the structural issues it would be inappropriate to promote the site for tourism purposes at this time.