Motion: Councillor D. Smith
“That this Committee calls on the Chief Executive to work in the planning
process to provide for a temporary car park beside Swords Educate
Together and Gaelscoil Bhrian Boroimhe in order to provide a safe
alighting area for parents delivering children to school during the works to
upgrade the Rathbeale Road, and will work with relevant landowners to
provide this facility.”
Following discussions with representatives of the Swords Educate
Together and Gaelscoil Bhrian Bóroimhe National Schools, the Council has
been in discussion with the developer with a view to the provision of a
temporary short term car parking facilitating, adjacent to the school
campus, during school drop off/ pick up times during the proposed
Rathbeale road closure. The detail of the operation of the short term
parking facilities, which may require the co-operation of the school
boards, has not yet been finalised. From discussions to date the Council
are confident of the Developers co-operation in this matter.